Celebrating 30 Years of Teaching Children Excellence One Dance Step at a Time!
One hundred and fifty thousand children later, NDI New Mexico continues to make a measurable difference in the children of New Mexico!
Our public elementary school programs in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Northern New Mexico are in full swing and growing! Statewide residencies reach from Dulce to Hobbs, and the studios at The Hiland Theater and The Dance Barns continue to attract and retain students of all ages and abilities. Summer programs provide a safe, enriching educational environment for children, and our Teaching Excellence®  program provides professional training to dancers and educators who wish to adopt our highly effective teaching methodologies, preparing a new generation of NDI New Mexico teaching artists to support our future expansion.
Thirty years of believing every child has the capacity to learn to work hard, never give up, do their best, and ultimately experience success has paid off.
We know from 18 years of rigorous evaluation that our programs support children’s well-being and academic success by helping them become more confident, more engaged in learning, and more likely to make healthy choices.
Dancing is a natural part of being a child, and it’s crucial for parents to know that their children are learning and growing in a safe and supportive setting. NDI New Mexico’s programs have always strived to achieve this goal, and we’re committed to maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for the next 30 years, and beyond.
Not only do our programs offer numerous benefits for children, including physical development, mental and emotional well-being, and social skills, but also cultural awareness, and artistic expression. A natural outcome of our programs is the development of a strong work ethic. NDI New Mexico provides opportunities for personal growth and development that have a lasting impact on how young people move through the world and that is a difference worth celebrating!
NDI New Mexico’s 30 for 30!
Watch for our year-long 30-second video snippets on what “Work Hard, Do Your Best, Never Give Up, and Be Healthy” really means to our students on social media

Learn More About NDI New Mexico
Our Mission
NDI New Mexico is founded with the knowledge that the arts have a unique power to engage and motivate children. The purpose of our distinctive programs is to help children develop discipline, a standard of excellence, and a belief in themselves that will carry over into all aspects of their lives.
Core Four
Core Values
Belief in kids
We believe that every child has the capacity to: learn, work hard, never give up, and ultimately experience success. Our commitment is to offer all children an opportunity to experience success through our programs; learning skills that will carry over into all aspects of their lives.
Social responsibility
We serve and respect a diverse world of children and reach out to schools and communities that have the greatest need. We add advanced classes to meet the advanced learning demands of our outreach kids who desire more teaching.
We strive to deliver the highest quality teaching techniques and philosophy; as we inspire children to strive for their own personal excellence. Our commitment to excellence extends into all areas of our organization and to the way we respect one another.
We will be responsible to the needs of our kids and communities. Our monetary and human resources will dictate our growth.
Financial integrity
We are responsible fiscal agents. We do not spend more than we have.