What Does NDI New Mexico Mean to You?

Founding Artistic Director


Founding Board Chair
“As Founding Board Chair, it was my dream that those who followed me would care as much as I did when I used to say ‘we don’t just want your support, we want your heart – we want you to understand all that NDI New Mexico does to change the lives of tens of thousands of underserved children in this state and indeed, that is what has happened.”


“One need only attend an NDI New Mexico performance to understand the importance of this organization to New Mexico. The combination of arts in education, social and emotional development, multi-culture influence, and the opportunity to learn about excellence, is the very best we can do for our kids.”

NDI New Mexico Alumnus

NDI New Mexico Alumnus
“NDI New Mexico opened my heart to an endless love for dance; I followed my heart all the way to Julliard School. Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary. May you continue to inspire thousands of children for many years to come.”

NDI New Mexico Artistic Director
“The first time I saw an NDI New Mexico performance, I cried tears of joy. It filled my heart to see so many children held up for their friends and family to admire and applaud, each child being given the opportunity and the inspiration to work hard, work joyfully, and work together!”
Alumnus from first NDI program in 1990, NDI parent
“I did NDI with Jacques d’Amboise in 1990. It is amazing that now my own kids get to be a part of it. NDI New Mexico teaches children about hard work and respect – things that make a good responsible adult.”

NDI New Mexico Executive Director
“From the first day at Gonzales Elementary during NDI New Mexico’s Teaching Excellence® workshop with Catherine teaching, Bert at the piano, and all the children dancing, I knew this was where I belonged. I thought that I would be expected to bring my very best to NDI New Mexico because that is what everyone else was doing. And that’s what we teach children to do – bring your best to life.”

Alumnus, Firefighter
“Having gone full circle from being a dancer in the program at Kearney Elementary in 2004 to volunteering as a firefighter to dance in the shows, I now get to encourage the values I learned from NDI New Mexico in the young people I dance with today.”

Former Santa Fe District Attorney, NDI New Mexico Volunteer
“As the lights dim, the curtains open, and the children appear on stage, the theater is filled with their parents’ pride and excitement. That joy is what brings tears to my eyes at the beginning of every performance.”

Principal, Chaparral Elementary
“NDI New Mexico is fun and exposes students to live music and choreography. The yearlong lessons and performances assist students in lifelong learning habits of Do Your Best, Work Hard, Never Give Up, and Be Healthy. NDI instructors encourage and guide students in rigorous physical activity that enhances gross motor skills, which in turn enhances growth in their academic skills.”

Actress, Dancer, Choreographer
“NDI New Mexico is a vital program for not only our youth but the entire community! I see kids thriving every afternoon filled with the purpose and self-esteem that comes from dedication to a discipline. In this case the discipline is dance. To see the inspiration on their faces fills MY heart with purpose. I feel blessed to know these kids! It’s a privilege to work with them!”

“NDI New Mexico gave me the passion to always reach beyond my limits and explore the possibilities beyond my fingertips. Here’s to the music, friends, and families that NDI New Mexico brings together. And here’s to the dance for giving all a voice in the spotlight for many more years to come! Happy 25th anniversary NDI New Mexico!”

Superintendent, Santa Fe Public Schools 2016-2022
“NDI New Mexico continues to be a shining star, opening doors of opportunity for students and broadening their horizons. The impact of NDI New Mexico is immeasurable and priceless.”

NDI New Mexico Alumna
“NDI-New Mexico helped me to gain confidence in my own ability to learn. Learning and expressing myself through movement, connected me to the world in a way that sitting in a classroom had not done up to that point. The teachers, musicians, and peers I grew to love also showed me the importance of community. My time there has been one of the greatest blessings in my life and I am so grateful for it.”

Albuquerque County Commissioner 2009-2020
“NDI New Mexico has made a remarkable commitment to enriching the lives of Bernalillo County’s children’s through inspiring, world-class dance instruction. Our children learn not just how to dance, but also life-long lessons about the rewards of giving 100% effort to everything they do.”
10 Year Donors
“When people smile from deep within themselves because of the true joy they are feeling, it is contagious. Years ago at the Lensic Theater, we were overcome by the staccato of joyful smiles that the NDI New Mexico dancers flashed as they made their flying leaps across center stage. Each dancer was an individual human being with limitless potential, sharing sincere joy in the radiant lights. A glance at the faces of friends and family affirmed our own happiness. The smiles of the children shine a bright light into the shadows that can fall on all of us. It is truly humbling to help support NDI New Mexico.”

“NDI New Mexico’s programs enrich our state by teaching our children the most important core values through dance. A sincere and heartfelt ‘thanks’ to all the NDI New Mexico staff, board, and volunteers for the important role they play in developing the next generation of New Mexico’s leaders. Here’s looking forward to another 25 great years.”
Community Supporters
“With gratitude to Catherine, Jacques, Val, and the huge supporting cast of patrons and participants who have made a dream come true for so many young dancers. It all started with a drive in a car with Jacques and a visit to Acequia Madre school.”

NDI New Mexico Emeritus Board, Thornburg Foundation Chairman of the Board
“The essence of the NDI New Mexico program always came from watching children in a fourth-grade class with their first attempt to learn a dance movement of 8 beats and then add on another movement of 8 beats. They would work so hard to master those first steps. Through that process, they learned that success will come if they Work Hard, Do Your Best, Never Give Up and Be Healthy.”
Principal, Janet Kahn School of Integrated Arts, ABQ
“NDI New Mexico has provided an experience for my students that they will never forget. They have learned teamwork, cooperation, and a belief in themselves. They get to witness firsthand the sound of applause, cheers, and celebration that is directed towards their accomplishment.”

NDI New Mexico Emeritus Board Member
“NDI New Mexico saw the need and had the courage and commitment to develop a statewide program that has a reach into underserved communities, big and small. The teaching methodology challenges young people to live up to the Core Four: Work Hard, Do Your Best, Never Give Up, and Be Healthy.”

4th-Grade Teacher, El Camino Real Academy
“NDI New Mexico holds students to a standard of excellence that helps every student to grow as they work with their team to reach their goals. The End of Year shows never disappoint! Thank you, NDI New Mexico for all you do!”
† Deceased
We want to hear your voice!