Antionette Segura
Antionette, a native of Albuquerque, began her dance training at age three in ballet, jazz, tap, acrobatics, hip hop, and contemporary at Fishback Studio of The Dance. She has competed regionally and nationally with Fishback’s dance team, receiving numerous awards and...
Emma Singleton
Emma began dancing in her formative years in Santa Fe, New Mexico at Dance for Joy and The Dance Barns. She attended high school at New Mexico School for the Arts with a focus in dance while she continued her training with The Dance Barns Program. She attended summer...
Feli Blea
Feli Blea began dancing at the age of eight with New Child Players Production Company and joined NDI New Mexico at the age of ten. They participated in SWAT, Celebration, Company XCel studying ballet, jazz, modern, hip hop and tap. At Tierra Adentro performing arts...
Francois Achan
Originally from Houston, TX, Francois has been dancing and teaching nationally for the past 17 years. In 2010 Francois, along with eight other artists, founded The Brothers Crew, which traveled the globe battling and teaching. Later, Francois would also come to join...